About the Lewisham Pension Fund
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
Find out more about how the fund is governed.
Members include employees of Lewisham Council, Admitted and Scheduled Bodies to the scheme and non-teaching staff in our Schools.
At 1st April 2020 our scheme had 26,638 members, split between 6,754 Active members, 11,860 Deferred Members and 8,024 Pensioners.
The LGPS is a statutory scheme. This means that it is a secure scheme as the benefits members are paid are defined and set out in Law.
Teachers have their own Pensions Schemes and are not part of the Lewisham Local Government Pension Scheme.
The London Borough of Lewisham Pension Fund is part of the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) and is run by the London Borough of Lewisham. This means that the Council is the "administering authority" in the Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations.
Administering authorities have to act in the interests of all employers, members and their dependants within the fund; the role of the administering authority is very similar to that of a trustee.
The Council has delegated the investment arrangements of the scheme to the Pensions Investment Committee (PIC), which makes decisions based on information from the Fund's appointed actuary, investment managers and investment adviser. The management of the Fund's investments is by professional investment managers in accordance with detailed agreements and regular monitoring.
The Treasury and Pensions Team within Strategic Finance at Lewisham Council look after the day to day running of the fund.
Kathy Freeman - Executive Director of Corporate Resources (s151 Officer)